Our Partnership Achievements

Interested in finding out more about Our Achievements? Please email us at contact@australianhealthyageing.org

A. Community Event

Community Presentation at Church of All Nations, Family Learning Program - 22 October 2019 in Melbourne

Community presentation delivered by Professor Cassandra Szoeke and Miss Ariana Campbell. Participants ranged in age from 8 to 80.


Participant feedback on what they found most beneficial:

The brief mention of ‘use it or lose it’ in terms of mental activity

Impressed by the young (very young) presenter.

o Information on damage to the brain – dementia and keeping brain active

o Information on Healthy eating & exercise

o Professor Szoeke’s presentation on What we can do to avoid dementia

o Very interested in learning about the Cause of death in women

The Friends of Rowan Park Club Inc - 22 October 2019 in Melbourne

The Secret to Healthy Ageing - Presented by Professor Cassandra Szoeke

On a wet windy Melbourne Spring afternoon an enthusiastic group met to hear Professor Cassandra Szoeke speak about healthy brain ageing.  The room was full to capacity and the audience included local residents ages 60 to 93.  Professor Szoeke’s talk was very warmly received especially when she revealed that the secret to healthy ageing was a healthy brain.  Post the talk there was a sumptuous feast from Geraldine and the friends of Rowan Park House set the mood for the after party. 75 plus Bernard (ex - airforce officer) had the audience jiving and even those of us with two left feet got into the mood to try out some moves.  Professor Szoeke declared that this event alone was a boost to brain health, incorporating the key elements of social interaction and intellectual challenge.

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Participant feedback following the presentation:

  • Valued its simplicity in enlightening us on extremely important health issues.

  • Honest: healthy living to prevent disease (not pills)

  • Light; not complicated; easy to understand; Q&A I enjoyed the most

  • To be active, to be drug free and enjoy life the best way you can.

B. Supporting Young People to Study Ageing

Healthy Ageing Program students present at conference in London, UK - 2017

Students from the Healthy Ageing Program presented their research at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference in London, UK, 16-20 July 2017. The students received a lot of positive feedback and interest from conference attendees.

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Healthy Ageing Program students present at Canberra conference - 2016

On 8 June 2016, four students from the Healthy Ageing Program presented their research at the Primary Health Care Conference in Canberra, ACT. Their research sparked a lot of interest from conference attendees.

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